Welcome to the shit show that is "Only Me Just T" and the webpage that I have been keeping as a security blanket for almost a decade; it's nice to have you here! 

If you're new here-- welcome! I'm Tori. I'm a young adult, married to the guy I sat in front of in 7th grade Algebra, and I have a home full of animals and a family that's so far beyond blood it's astounding. 

(and if you're not new here, welcome back!) 

Anyways, hi. 
I stopped writing consistently, and no matter how hard I've tried, it has taken me years to feel safe sharing stuff about my thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and even just stuff about my life. 
I haven't felt safe or secure, and my anxiety has been constant. 

I wanted to pop back up online and write about some stuff that's been on my mind, and share some personal things, just in case anyone wondered/cared. Most of the people who need to know already know, and I'm content with that. 

A little bit about me?
I have a little dog named Luna, two cats named Rowan and Mino, a guinea pig named Mocha, and officially over 1,000 books in my apartment so that classifies my home as a library of sorts. 
I'm in school to be a teacher, currently work in the hospitality industry, and spend 90% of my free time reading or watching TikTok's. There is literally no in between. 

I'm married to my best friend Patrick. We've known each other for over a decade and have been married for a few years. I tell everyone that our marriage is a result of me following the best advice my mom ever gave me, which was to grow up and marry my best friend. 

I have so many un-biological family members that the list is too long to give them all credit where credit is due, but I love them and I love being a part of their families and lives. They all really do make adulthood so bearable and not a day goes by that I'm not thankful for them. 

Anyways, settle in and get comfortable. I may write something and post it, or I may never write again! Who knows! Haha!! That's the beauty of this being my safe space; it's mine. 

Also, I'm thinking about writing a book--
We'll see how that goes! 

Until then, 
-Tori :) 

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Something Else to Read:

The Struggle to Write