Monday, May 30, 2016

The Wicked... Which Way? 5.30.16

As many of you know, I am quite fond of the Broadway production "Wicked." It's one of my favorite things to sing, watch, read about, and tell other people about. 

The basic plot follows a question: are people born wicked? 

Now, if we're personal friends on Facebook, you know that I speculated about the title of this post. I enjoy word play, and almost entitled it "The Wicked Witch Way." To be honest, both titles fit this post. My point is, there’s definitely a reason that I speculated. 

Over the past couple of years, I have encountered people, situations, deprecations, hysteria, chaos, and the literal representations of all things not good. Not necessarily bad- but definitely far from good. 

I have met people that are wonderful when you meet them, but inside, it’s quite the opposite of that. I’m going to assume that a lot of people think this about me too, but at least I straight up tell some people that I’m mean. Well, not mean, but honest. I don’t like facades—just be real with me.

Anyways, these encounters happened in unlikely places. See, I expected to meet people like that in school, but not in places like church, and certainly not within the confines of my own family. I stand back and look at events and situations that played out in different ways, and I kind of laugh.

The other day, a situation occurred (which is sort of still happening, I guess, technically) with a family member and I didn’t appreciate it in the slightest. Let me be frank here, some members of my family don’t understand feminism. Not the male members, female members. That makes me really sad, because there are definitely wonderful epic things that every woman is capable of, and to demerit your own sex is well, unfair.

Well, said family member brought up someone that I mentioned in probably my first or second blog post ever. I have a namesake, if you guys didn’t know that. (Yeah, two Victoria’s, scary right?) I go by Tori for many reasons. Nobody calls me Vicky. There on occasion have been one or two people that were allowed to do that, but it was always an incredibly close friend that had my spoken permission.

I am Tori. My name in full means victorious, which here recently, I think fully embodies who I am as a person.

There are many personal reasons why I resent the name Vicky, one of which closely pertains to the death of my nana. Another reason would be a Nickelodeon based redheaded babysitter nicknamed icky-Vicky. It took my 3rd grade class less than a hot minute to figure out that was how to tease me. Which low key sucked, but you know, it happened.

Between those two particular individuals, I've learned how much I do stand on my own two feet. An older family member of mine (who happens to be one of these two people- go figure!) told me that I need to befriend some guys before I go to college to protect myself. 
To. Protect. Myself. 
Oh my goodness! Just buy me a can of mace/pepper spray and send me on my merry way. I am incredibly independent and more than capable. 

I'm not bragging, but I AM establishing. My life in college will not be me running back and forth between home and college because I miss my mom too much to stay away.
(However, I will visit my mother often, because she is undoubtedly one of my best friends.) 

Women need to stop tearing other women down. Just have faith in our freaking sex, for once in history, just let go of the masculinity > femininity thing. I have friends that could take down a guy or two if they needed to. In fact, I could probably do the same. 

Anyways, back to the main topic here, over the last few months in particular, I realize that people adapt differently to certain situations. 

A lot of times, bad things turn people into bad people.

My mom and I have this saying: “Hurt people, hurt people.”

It simply means that more times than not, people hurting on the inside take out their anguish on other people. However, I have met people that truly find joy in making other people feel like crap. Whether it’s in a vengeful way, or just because they disagree with the person, people in general tend to giggle when bad things happen to someone they don’t like. (Guilty as charged, I’ll admit to doing it myself a time or two.)

So I guess people do have a mean nature about them, but mean and wicked are two different things. Mean is like, taking a candy from a baby to eat it. Wicked is taking candy from a baby and jumping up and down on it so that it becomes inedible for the child. Your intentions kind of define whether or not you're wicked or just kind of mean. 

I think that some people that I've encountered recently in life have the cruelest of intentions. Honestly? I could give you a play-by-play of the last 2 years and you'd be able to spot very quickly the people that have an agenda that isn't the kindest. 

Somewhere in this post I may arrive at a point, but I just need to establish something. People choose to act the way that they act. People are mean, wicked, evil, kind, intelligent, nice, compassionate, and everything else because they choose to be that way. Your character is insurmountably your own choice. It isn't something you can blame on someone else. 

Wickedness (which by the way is defined as having the intention or capability to hurt someone or something) is definitely something you choose. 

The other night, I was left in tears just thinking about my nana and circumstances that surrounded her passing. Some people had no regard for her passing, and as I've matured recently, I've learned not to make excuses for those people. 

In a show I watch, one character often says that "family doesn't end in blood." 
I agree far more now than I did when I first heard a quote of that context. 

My family was always kind of close, extended and all. Holidays would consist of a lot of food, games, stories, songs, and presents. At the upper end of grandchild age scale, I noticed tension more than the others. But, as the only granddaughter, I was left out of a lot of things (camping, fishing, football games, baseball, swimming, movies, etc.) Little girls just couldn't keep up with little boys. My mom and dad have always believed otherwise (thanks guys!) 

Now? Most of my family members are either dead and in the ground or dead to each other. 
It's pretty sad actually. 
My immediate family (hi again guys!) isn't like that at all, though. 
Yeah, sometimes we fight, but we don't leave when things suck. 
The rest of my family is obsessed with walking away from arguments or blaming other people. 
Certain members of my family are obsessed with making everyone else in the family hate each other. 
It has become quite entertaining to me, as they don't have much room to comment on anyones lives, but they do it despite their lack of space. 

I guess that at one point, when these people were stirring up drama around the time that I lost my grandparents, it hurt. 

Crazy as it may seem, it doesn't hurt anymore. Sometimes I'll cry over things if they directly pertain to nana, just because my emotions overcome me a lot these days. 

But- I'm done crying over wicked people. Quite a waste of tears. 

(Now, a side note: Some of my extended family members are the I have 2 or 3 uncles on both sides that are liberal and kind of awesome and I feel like I need to establish this. They definitely should know who they are. They have a lot to do with my mental ability to think and speak for myself.) 

Off of the family topic for now, and onto one that is... Haha. Haha. 

Everyone knows that I've had a problem recently with more than one person in my age group. Let's be honest here, there are a lot of people that I'm leaving in high school. 

Adulthood is lurking into my life a lot faster than I expected it to. As an unlicensed 17 year old, I lack some freedoms that my friends are used to having. Now, creeping closer to what seems like a source of unlimited freedom, I smile. 

There's a particular group of people that I finally feel free from, and you have no idea how liberating it feels. Maybe it's because I haven't gone to church in months (with the exception of Easter, hello, I have become that person), or maybe it's because I've learned how great life can be. 

Some people might think that sounds sickening. Actually? Learning how much my faith holds strong in my life without having to be around a congregation of hypocrites (not all churches are this, in fact, the church I visited for Easter was wonderful) every single Sunday. I admire the Christian faith, and I love Jesus more than anything in this world, but some people are just doing it plum wrong. 

Anyways... Freedom is honestly a wonderful thing to feel. Graduating high school, passing a college class, tackling a couple of AP exams... I know that I'm not legendary. However, I am a gifted writer that despite not being in the top 25 in the class, is in the top 50. I'm very okay with that. It's satisfying. I have happily earned everything up to now, and look forward to what accomplishments my future brings. 

("Raise a glass to freedom..." -Hamilton. Sorry. Had to!) 


Well, I think I've stepped on enough toes. I'd hand out bandaids with some of my posts, if it were possible. Someone invent literal holographs and make that possible for me. 

This week has just been... Revealing and confirming. 

On a couple of other notes: 

-I'm obsessed with Hamilton. Just saying. It's a work of art. 
-My dad has to have triple bypass surgery in the near future. 
-I'm happily employed! I am so looking forward to this summer and all it holds for me as far as that goes. 

So, say a prayer or two for my family if you do that. If you don't, please just keep us in your thoughts as we head into the next few months. We aren't afraid, but we are a little bit apprehensive. 

I love you guys, thanks for taking time to read. 

Happy Memorial Day! 

-Tori :)

p.s. In less than a month, you guys have brought me from 4,000 reads to less than 300 away from 5,000. That's kind of insane. Sometimes I get writers block and wonder why I do this, but you guys remind me more often than not to not waste this God-given talent. 

p.p.s. To the girl that told me that I inspire her- thank you! You made my week! I always love to hear from people, and that was kind of a first. At least- the first in a long time. It's people like you that keep me typing. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

A New Chapter 5.24.16

Well, I feel different blogging right now. 
Mostly because, well, I am no longer a senior at Woodrow, 
I am alumni
I received my diploma on Saturday, May 21st. 

I feel an overwhelming sense of achievement. That day felt like it would never come, and it came and went without so much as a fanfare. Not complaining- the effects of that day are still very much in the forefront of my mind. Especially fear of the imminent future. Not like, haunted house scary. More like... anticipation scary. I don't really know how to explain it right now. Ask me when college starts. 

The first event that I need to catch you guys up on is when I went to prom with Patrick. 
It was amazing.

I ended up surprising Jordan, Molly, and Patrick at school the day before. Molly hugged me until I felt like I was going to pass out. Jordan and I stood and caught up. Patrick gave me a kiss or two and a big hug. 

...I also ended up talking my dad into picking Molly up that evening. She stayed the night with me at the hotel, and it was just like the old days. Actually, it was almost better. We went swimming (we were the only ones in the pool, and occasionally Nicholaus came to keep us company) and talked for hours and hours. It was wonderful. 

Prom was the following day, and Pat and I picked out some gorgeous flowers. My corsage and his boutonniere were yellow roses surrounded with tiny white ones. The corsage was wrapped with a satin navy ribbon that matched my dress. I was so much more than pleased. Patrick and I picked the colors together, and ironically enough, ended up both wearing WV state colors to Eastern's prom. 

It was so awesome to reconnect with people. Even his friends, for the most part, seemed to enjoy my presence. Molly and her boyfriend Jonathan seemed to enjoy having us around, too. The music was good, the food was wonderful, and the people were phenomenal. 

Plus, Pat and I cleaned up pretty good. (Well, at least I think we did.) 

We all went to IHOP after prom and sat there laughing for like, ever. Molly is someone that understands my sense of humor. She and Patrick also speak the gibberish language that my mom taught me years ago. They're two of my favorite people in the whole world to be around. 

Saying my goodbyes absolutely sucked, but I got to say additional goodbyes the following day. I hugged Patrick at work, and swung by Molly's to get a hug too. :)

On a random note as far as prom is concerned- we had a more than amazing time. Patrick makes me incredibly happy. He's funny, and smart, and both he and Jordan opened doors for me. I'm glad to have two incredible guys in my life. Jordan as an epic best friend, Patrick as an epic...boyfriend(ish) thing. *insert heart emoji here* 


The second event that I probably need to mention is the car accident that happened almost a week ago. (Actually, by the time you guys get around to reading this, it will probably have been a week, give or take a couple of days.) 

Basically, Bethany hit a slick spot and spun out. We hit a concrete divider.

It was no one's fault, and believe me when I say that I am thankful to God that everyone in that car is safe. God definitely had his hands on all of us. Including Hayley and Wesley. 

I'm so thankful that Bethany wasn't hurt severely. She's like, another one of my favorite people breathing and it would have more than sucked if anything would've happened. 

West Virginia torrential rain sucks for more than one reason, that's for sure. I'm antsy every time that I go down the road we wrecked on now, though. It makes me nervous. 


The third event is graduation. 

I graduated Cum Laude, with honors in both academics and music. Which was pretty awesome. My cords were pink and bronze. Here's a picture: 

Without a shadow of a doubt, it was one of the most boring things in my life to get emotional over. 
Oh, and of course I cried when the Valedictorian gave her speech, because she spoke of precious time. 
Time certainly is precious, and fast fleeting. 
&Yes, I'll 100% admit it, I cried. 
I cried because I kept searching that crowd for three faces that I knew in my heart weren't physically there.

I've spent a lot of time since walking across that stage mourning for people, especially my nana. 

You guys know how much of a rule follower I am, well...
I smuggled in silly string. 
It pays off to be, what do older people call it? Well endowed. 

We tossed our caps and I felt the weight of the world leave my shoulders in that one fluid motion. (I also showered the end of the alphabet in a copious amount of yellow silly string. Now that was a ton of fun. A couple of people got a tiny bit mad, but that was okay.) 

My mom's friends Brenda and Bill came (they're my friends too, more like family, but they were hers first, so that's how I'll mention them here.) Her goddaughter also came. Mom, dad, Nicholaus, and Larry were also in attendance for me. My friend Jada came too, but I didn't get to see her until the end. 

This past weekend has provided a massive amount of insight into my future- in a good way. Well, at least for the most part. 

I have a healthy amount of fear in me regarding the far future, but my immediate future looks incredibly promising. 

Thank you to everyone for graduation presents, monetary and otherwise. 

They have helped with various traveling, clothing, and work related things and have been greatly appreciated all the way around. 

(They are still being appreciated, actually. I learned how to budget money!) 

Project Graduation was also awesome, even though I spend 3/4 of my time there playing Bingo and eating Qdoba. It was loads of fun. I appreciate my gift cards AND my beach towel very much. Haha, even though I rarely ever go to the beach. It's the thought that counts for that one, I'm sure. 


Anyways, it's like 11PM and I am exhausted. I had to say goodbye to a close friend today, who is moving way too far away from me. I've also been in a car for the better portion of the evening.

A massive thank you to Comfort Inn for having a computer (well, two) in the lobby so that this aspiring journalist could reach out to her readers. 

I'm actually in North Carolina right now because my dad has to have surgery at Duke University sometime this week. Not sure what kind yet, but it's heart related. If you are an individual that prays, please send a couple up for my dad. He's my superhero, and I hate when stuff like this happens. 

Love you guys! I can't wait to share the newest chapters of my life with you!

-Tori :D

p.s. Job stuff is happening. I'm officially hired and processed. The real action starts on June 6th, and I am so excited. Also, I found out that my boss reads my blog sometimes... That makes me a little bit nervous, but also excited that people actually read what I have to say and enjoy it. I'm still in denial that so many people read me, sometimes. 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Swing of Things 5.12.16

So, it's my last day of high school today. 

I don't know how to be anymore formal than that, but yeah.

It's my last day walking down these halls, talking to my younger friends as member of their peer group, and eating school lunch. It is the last day of unwanted advice from teachers, and the last day that I participate in education that I'm not paying for. 

Part of me feels like I should be very happy, but this entire day is overcast with clouds of melancholy. (Thanks to Emma, Larry, and Jada.) I am excited to be entering a new chapter of my life, but I'm the kind of person that loves to read books over and over again. My second semester at Woodrow will be a chapter of my life that is dogeared to be read a million times over. 

Writing this makes my heart hurt. Usually when I write, the more words and pages the better.
I'm trying my darnedest to shrink the font or something because I don't want this chapter to end. 


In stark contrast to today, last weekend was beyond amazing, and this weekend might just shirk in comparison. (Which is incredibly ironic, as I was looking more forward to Eastern's prom than my own.)

Prom was phenomenal, and I can solely accredit that to taking Larry. Last year at prom, I sat in the corner by myself for most of the night as my friends had the time of their life. This year, Larry wouldn't have that. He literally pulled me to the dance floor, and my friends were the first ones out there. 

As far as how people looked at prom? Jada wore this incredible yellow dress, Amy's was black, Jasmine's was a reddish purple, and everyone else around me wore black and white for the most part. Larry and I matched in navy... He wasn't wearing a dress though. To keep the shipping at a minimum, I will simply say that he looked nice, and leave it there. 

From L to R: Jasmine, Kat, Amy, Jada, Allison, Me, and Larry 

The music selection probably could've been better, but it was fine. It was incredibly different than that of Shady's prom last year. (No explanation necessary- you guys can assume why.) 

Dinner before was really good. We had Mexican. Brief note to everyone attending a prom sometime in the future: don't go to Mexican before prom. Do not let your friends or your date consume Mexican food before prom in any way, shape, or form. Fair warning. Draw your own conclusions and heed my warning if you reach the logical one.
Anyways, the night ended far too quickly, and we headed to IHOP. 

That was the funniest thing in the entire world. There were twelve of us, sitting around a makeshift long-table, eating copious amounts of breakfast foods and laughing about everything. We did everything from singing songs from Hamilton, to playing useless word games, and sharing funny stories. It was fantastic. 

When we finally all decided to go home, it was well after 1am, and everyone was sweaty and tired. Our waitress was probably getting pretty tired of us, too. Although- I'm pretty sure that we made her night. She laughed (at/with) us a lot. 

At the end of the evening, I think that I just kind of knew that saying goodbye was going to be difficult. It was like the foreshadowing in the novel that is my life. 

Anyways, a high is often accompanied by a low... Leave it to me to take that as gospel and literally fall. On Sunday night, I was swinging a little bit too fast (can I blame Taylor Swift? that's what was playing when I fell) aaaand

the swing

kind of 

sort of

you know...


I literally went heels over head backwards and hurt everything. From a concussion to a separated clavicle... Sunday night was just rough. By the way, the emergency room only treats traveling outside of the country and a stomach ache with urgency. A concussed teenager that's crying and sitting in a wheelchair? Oh! It doesn't matter! 

The people who took my X-rays also weren't the nicest people in the world. They jolted me a few ways and I cried more than I'd like to admit. 

But Larry came over Monday after school to make sure that I was still alive and well. (As well as one can be after falling off of a swing onto concrete, I guess.) Yesterday he actually made a somewhat comical drawing that Amy said should be on my gravestone someday... 

credits to Larry Smith^3 

*Insert completely done eye-rolling emoji here.* 

He's also the one who inspired the title. Thanks a bunch for the swing puns! They came to good use after all! 

Other than the fall though, this week has been really good. 
-I passed college algebra in both college and high school. (I earned a high B in both, and believe me, I am very proud to say that.) 
-I completed high school!
-I didn't die falling off of a barely moving object!
-I got my Tri M Honor Society cords for graduation- they're pink and I love them. 
-I also got my bronze honor cords because I'm graduating Cum Laude. (Not Summa, not Magna, but thankfully not "Thank-you-Laude" either, lol.) 
-I voted (as a Democrat) for the first time!

I am heartbroken to say my goodbyes to people. I feel like this semester has shaped me a lot, personality wise. I'm loud and weird and, well, me again. I've missed the outgoing fun that I used to live every day with. Having it return to me at such an important time in my life is a blessing. 

On another note, I'll be North Carolina bound sometime tomorrow for prom. I'm beyond excited to see my friends that I haven't seen in years. Moving away as a Freshmen and being reunited as an almost-graduate has definitely had its ups and downs. All of it has led up to this weekend though- and I can't wait. 

Next weekend, I begin a new journey of my life as I officially will graduate from high school. 

The weekend after that, I begin work with an awesome group of people at an awesome place for the summer.

Then, in August, I will be joining my friends Bethany and Mikaila in Huntington, at Marshall University. 

There are unspoken things that I'm in the midst of right now too, but I am a person who trusts God even if I'm not always blogging about it. He is my rock and I know that he has every pathway and friendship in my life 100% covered. He knows the plans that he has for me, for my family, and for even my closest of friends. I have to give that all to him, and just let go of all worrying about the future. 


Well, now I need to get prom stuff together and do some last minute things before I go to bed. This weekend should be a ton of fun, and I look forward to filling you guys in more than once this week about good stuff that's happening. 

I love you all! A whole lot! 

-Tori :) 

p.s. I found a shirt that was my nana's and it even smells like her... If that's not the perfect graduation present, then I don't know what is. 

Monday, May 2, 2016

How to Say Goodbye

It was really hard to not cry while writing this.
So, I'm just gonna let it speak for itself. 
I love you guys. :) 


Well guys- This weekend we shared the stage performing for the very last time. 

Over the past few months, I have found friendship in you guys that I didn't think I could ever find in West Virginia. When I moved back to WV my freshman year, I was so incredibly lost. Being the new kid absolutely sucked, and it continued to suck until I finally transferred to Woodrow. 

It took two days for me to find a place to belong, and thanks to Amy, I never needed to fit in. I found a place to settle in, of course, but fitting in didn't matter at all to me. I know that meeting her in my AP Literature class last semester was definitely a God-thing, and Amy? I'm going to miss you like crazy next year. It's hard to believe that theatre is over and that it's time to dress up for prom, and then dress up and graduate. 

Next, I just want to tell all of my underclassmen friends in first block- Life is going to be so much different without you guys. You all made the year so much fun. It was you guys that I got close to during Fright Nights and rehearsals. It was you guys that understood my thick sarcasm, and always listened to me mutter under my breath when I was frustrated. You guys cried with me after bows last night, and you have all been there with arms wide open waiting to hug me anytime I need it. Many of you, I hope, will be part of my life forever. 

Nicholaus- please remember that you are my favorite freshman. Not because you are my brother, but because you are my partner in crime. College is going to suck because I'm going to have to share a space with someone who can't speak ob, and that doesn't understand our odd sense of humor. Never doubt for a single moment that I am going to miss you the most. I hope that next year you choose to take on the stage again- because I see wonderful things in your future. From football, to baseball, to theatre, I hope that you succeed in everything that you do. 

Do not settle for any less than you deserve. I mean that in terms of teachers, friends, family, and especially girls. You are growing up to be a wonderful young man, and an example to the boys your age that don't have a thought in their head. I know that you are now capable of fighting your own battles, but I promise, I will always be there to beat someone up if you ever need me to. Promise.

To most of the people in third block, thank you for taking the time to get to know me. Vocal Ensemble has been my favorite high school class, hands down. From running lines to weird plays, to playing The Voice, to dancing around backstage dramatically to main character solos. You guys are the most crazy and fun group of people I have ever met in my entire life. You guys are the ones that made after-show food runs the best thing ever. I will miss all of this the most, I think. 

Now I move onto a very special group of people. 
I'm gonna start with Andrea and Jada. 
First of all, thank you for accepting me at your lunch table this semester. I really needed that. Had you not welcomed me with open arms, I wouldn't have met half of the people that I consider my best friends today. 
Thank you for always letting me tell you awful puns, and for having my back every single day. You guys make group chats and board games beyond fun. 

Emma- Girl, I'm gonna be lost without you next year. For once in my life, I've finally found someone to keep up with me in intelligence and wit. We are insane, and I'm still shocked that we haven't "met" until now. I cannot believe that I have technically known you my entire life, but I'm incredibly thankful to have known you this semester. We will make plans to hang out in the future, and I wish you well academically, musically, and theatrically. You, my friend, are going to go places. I just know it. 

Sigh, well, I think that's it...

Okay, okay, I'm kidding.

Larry... I'm gonna miss you like you don't believe. You're another person that I wish I would've known for a longer time. Fortunately, because I know how to use social media and the like, you are someone that I intend on keeping in touch with as long as you let me. You have truly become my best friend, and as sappy as that sounds, and as much as I know that you will tease me for this later, it's been kind of nice to have someone like you around. 
Yeah, you're kind of crazy. That's a really good thing, I think. 

Quite frankly, I walked into Senior year not caring what anybody thought about me, but some things were getting too tough to deal with. Thank you for showing me that I can unapologetically be myself. You are more mature than people give you credit for, and have taught me that there is nothing childish about being obnoxious every once in a while. You're pretty awesome. Although, sometimes I really do wanna hit you in the face. 

Also, thank you for random California facts. Thank you for being new, and not from around here. I'm sorry if teasing you went too far, but honestly? It's been really nice having someone around that understands the whole having-friends-who-live-really-flipping-far-away thing. You aren't used to West Virginia things, and even Charleston was new to you. That's made me reevaluate living here a lot, and I think that you've given me new perspective on my home state. 

Oh! And thank you for helping me create what apparently has come to be the theatre OTP. That's certainly something worth adding, haha. I don't know why everyone ships us, but at least it's made the last couple of weeks hilarious backstage. 

To all of you- I look forward to more board games, hide n seek, and meals around the table laughing and spewing beverages from laughing so hard- before I go off to college. I will visit often, and I expect at least one or two of you hug me. I'm going to miss you guys a lot. 


To Mrs. McGinnis- thank you for letting me audition for theatre last year. It changed my life in so many ways. After going through so much in high school, I am thankful beyond belief to have had you as a teacher my senior year. Thank you for kind words, encouragement, funny stories, and for just being there for everybody. You are one of those teachers that I'm gonna brag about to everyone for the next few years. I'm going to miss you and you classes a lot next year, and probably for a few years after that. Thank you for being a teacher that places emphasis upon actually breaking the status-quo! 

To Mr. Wilson- I hope that we didn't run you off this year! You have been an excellent teacher, and more than that, you've been a friend to a lot of us who needed that. Yes, we have all been crazy and out of hand more than a few times this year, but I hope that it wasn't too much for you. Thank you for being an awesome theatre teacher! I'm going to miss your class a lot! 

Thank you to everyone who has made my senior year more than memorable. I cannot wait for prom next weekend (I'm taking Larry, in case anyone wondered), but I certainly have no problem waiting for graduation. I am so excited, but I am going to miss all of you guys so much.

It has been an honor and a privilege to finish high school with the WWHS theatre department, and as a Flying Eagle in general. I couldn't imagine it any other way. 

I suck at saying goodbye, so I'm not gonna say it. Just know that all of you have impacted me in incredible ways, and that I am so blessed to have something that makes saying goodbye so difficult. 


Woodrow Wilson High School's Cast of High School Musical: On Stage! 2016

Something Else to Read:

The Struggle to Write