Wednesday, November 19, 2014

All About My Nana! -November 19th, 2014

Hello world!
Today has been pretty long day, to be honest with you. My nana, who's an awesome woman and an awesome teacher and yeah, has gone to WVU to undergo tests regarding her recent diagnosis. Last Friday, she went in for an operation, and we were all both shocked and saddened by the news we received. She was diagnosed with Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer, that had spread to her liver. What was supposed to be a procedure to open her bile duct (she's jaundice), has turned into something that has changed all of our lives in a split second. 
When I was little, my granddad and I would play this game where we were doctors. No matter what, we always made people feel better and all my imaginary friends (because I lacked the social skills then to have real ones) were in good health and a happy state. Nana would be our assistant, but mostly she just made us food and kept us company. Right now, I wish that my granddad could be here to make her feel better. She said last night that she had no doubt in her life that he loved her more than he loved anyone else, and I believe that to be true. It's the first time I've really seen her be emotional about it. My nana and I had our fair share of playing games, but in a much different manner. She taught me how to play chess and Scrabble; she read me stories, but mostly just this one about a greedy teddy bear that ate too many sweets and his stuffing popped out and he had to go to the toy hospital; and we did huge puzzles on the dining room table in her house (now where I reside.)
Granddad and I were closer, I like to think... But nana and I were close in a different way. We'd go shopping together, and almost always go to the Chic-fil-a in our local mall. It was kind of a tradition. As I got older, and as our town got bigger, we went to different places. Believe me though, it was always special no matter where we decided to go. The last time we went shopping, we went to the mall. She bought me my homecoming dress at Debs, and the night of the dance,p on short notice, she fixed it to fit me properly at the top. 
Nana is definitely a superwoman. In her lifetime, she's done so much. When she was 17, she married my granddad. She raised five children, at first just two boys and one girl, and eleven years after my mom was born, had twins. Remarkable, right? Then, while the twins were in school, she went back to school and got her degree in teaching regular education (and library science) through high school. She's also a special education teacher for gifted. When I was in elementary school, she was one of my teachers. 
I don't know why things happen. Especially why, after granddad passing away not even a year ago, my nana has become sick. At first, I was angry with God. I had no desire to pray, or hope... Life itself just seemed so fragile and pointless, and I just felt so helpless. I hate it when people say they're praying, because sometimes I feel like they aren't. If you've prayed for my grandmother, bless you. You're awesome. I've now decided that since I've seen my family healed, in multiple situations, that God can do just the same for my nana. The Bible says to not be afraid, and to ask and you shall receive. So it's insanely hard to do that right now, but I'm gonna do it. Some doctor said that her odds are low, 1 in 100,000, but I say forget that. This isn't about odds, it's about God. I earnestly hope that she will live to see my cousin Griffin, the youngest grandchild right now, grow up. I want her to see me walk down the aisle someday. 
When she found out, she asked my mother, "Have you ever heard of bargaining with God?" and said that she just wanted to see her grandchildren grow up. I'll admit, she and granddad spoiled me a little bit growing up. But you know, I'm the only granddaughter they've ever had, and our relationship has always been different than the others. I love them both so very much. My nana is a fighter, and she is going to kick cancer's butt. 
So today I ask everyone who's reading this to please, pray for Dora Deskins. Pray for healing, strength, and for us to not give up hope. We need the God-given strength to not give up hope, no matter how cloudy the situation seems. She has a procedure tomorrow at WVU... I'm praying that by some miracle, they find that nothing is wrong or that the situation isn't as dire as it had seemed to be. With where I've been in life, the only thing I really have left to lose, is my hope. 
God bless all of you, and may you have a good evening no matter where you are.
I love you guys!
-Tori Wickline <3

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Where I've Been -November 18th, 2014

Sooo.. I've never blogged before but this is good, right?
Anyways, hello whoever has stumbled upon this. How are you? How's life?
Good? That's nice.
Baad? Hope it gets better. 
Anyways, today I guess I'll just introduce myself and where I've been in my life. 
Hi. My name is Victoria (Tori, T, Torte) Wickline. I am 16 years old. I currently reside in Wild and Wonderful West Virginia with my mom, dad, brother, and my nana. My granddad is my guardian angel, and my best friends are Erica, Bethany, Emily, Kaitlyn, Jordan, and my mom. I have an amazing boyfriend named Patrick, who has been my best friend since back in 2010. He's just awesome. All of these people are amazing. 
Anyways, in my lifetime, I have attended 1..2..3..4..5.......8 different schools? Yeah.... I know a lot of people. I've lived in North Carolina, it was amazing, and I love it there so much, Buuuuuut I also love it here, because this is just where I'm from and yeah.
When I was in the third grade, I was diagnosed with ProLonged QT Syndrome. I was sent from the ER to a pediatric cardiologist. I underwent tests that straight up sucked, and got told that it was a disease similar to SIDS and that my heart could stop at any time without warning. Okay, not what every eight/nine year old wants to hear, but okay. 
At this same time, my little brother was struggling with hearing loss and learning sign language and trying to learn his ABC's and catch up to the people his age.... 
Okay, now, in the fifth grade, my dad had a heart attack. Of course, 911, ER, yadda yadda... but then we learned that his heart wasn't working. It wasn't dead, it just wasn't working. That's when "heart transplant" became a regular part of my 10 year old vocabulary. He got diagnosed, and within months, we packed up during a snowstorm, and headed down south. 
We moved to North Carolina in the middle of my 6th grade year, and it was...rough to say the least. We moved because we had to be close to Duke University in case they got a heart for my dad. Continuing, I ended up going back to West Virginia to finish my 6th grade year (and my brother his 3rd grade year) and we lived with my grandparents. When we finished school, they came and got us, and we headed to a permanent residence in Whitsett, North Carolina. 
Summer flew by, no joke, it flew. I got more tan than ever before in my life, attended a youth group that changed my life, and met some really awesome people. The summer ended, and I started school at Eastern Guilford Middle School. For a week or two, I knew absolutely nobody, Then I met this awesome group of people, and we became best friends thanks to my english class. In my history class, I got in trouble for talking to one of my english class friends, and got sat in front of this weird kid in the back of the classroom. (Proud to say that he became my best friend, and is now my boyfriend!) 
Amidst all of this, Nicholaus regained his hearing, and dad's heart started getting better... Life was really good there for a little while. 
Aaaaand, then Christmas time came... I'd gone to a sleepover with some girls from my church, and the woman I was staying with took me home. We picked my mom up, and headed to the ER. On Christmas Eve that year, my mother and best friend, was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. We opened presents over the phone Christmas Eve, and for Christmas I wrote her a poem that has been read over the radio all over the East Coast. She brought my brother and I gifts when she came home from the hospital... Such a selfless woman, I'm so blessed to have her as my mom!
So the next few months passed by pretty quickly, and that summer came rearing it's ugly head. I got sick, and was sent to UNC-Chapel Hill for a stress test. The doctor read it, and politely told me that I had no such disease (the ProLonged QT) and that I was of above average health for someone my age. I was elated. Dad was getting even better too! Life was looking up again. 
...I'm going to leave this first entry on that note. I'll come back and give you part two soon! 
If you're reading this, I love you! And I pray that you are blessed abundantly by everything and everyone who crosses your path. 
-Lots of love, Tori :)

Something Else to Read:

The Struggle to Write