Tuesday, February 27, 2018

A 'Prompt' Response; Questions and Answers

A/N: In the great tradition of bloggers who use Tumblr instead of Blogger, Wordpress, Wix, etc., I hopped onto the internet and found some questions from A to Z to answer with just some general information about myself. Before I do that though, I thought that I might fill you in on things that have been happening around me recently.


The last couple of weeks have been pretty interesting: 

Weekend before last, I got to ride to North Carolina with my best friend Bethany's family to visit she and her fiance. Her sister Hayley and I spent the majority of the car ride entertaining her son Wesley (a sweetheart at nineteen months old), and listening to music. It was a pretty... long car ride down. 

The great part about the ride was the destination- and we arrived at Carolina Beach, NC at around 5pm. We met Bethany at this little hotel, with an adorable paint scheme, and also met her dog Artemis for the first time. Honestly, one of the sweetest animals ever. 

We had a pretty good weekend overall, with some good food, good conversations, and interesting outings. 

Bethany ALSO said yes to the dress! Which is beautiful! She picked a fantastic dress, and sometime next year Hayley and I will travel back down to help her pick out some bridesmaid dresses. She also keeps tagging me on Facebook in Maid of Honor duties, and wedding ideas- and I can't wait to sit down this summer and put these ideas on paper and into action. 

It was fantastic getting to see my best friend again, and she'll be up to visit in March. The best part of the weekend was getting to ride around and catch up with her, and our trips to Dunkin' Donuts. 

This past week has also been pretty interesting, with state and local governments having to come together to solve one of the biggest statewide issues in WV: teacher pay and benefits. 
-WV Teachers and public employees have been on strike and rallying against Jim Justice (our governor) for better pay and PEIA (health insurance) benefits. They walked out on Thursday, February 22nd, and have marched in towns, on curb-sides, and on the capital steps.
-As a result of the striking and rallying, all 55 counties in WV have cancelled school for the last 4 weekdays. 
-I went to a parent/student/civil citizen rally in Beckley, WV to support the teachers near and dear to my heart, who brought me this far in life and inspired me to work as hard as I could.
-Tonight, our governor announced that (FINALLY!!!) there will be a raise for teachers and other public employees, and that ground is being broken on better PEIA benefits for all of them. 

-HOWEVER, I highly recommend that if you live in our beautiful Mountain State- that you vote for ANYONE but Jim Justice when the time arrives. 

Now, all of that aside, here's my latest "Prompt" Response! :)  


A - Are you allergic to anything? Yes, wasps and cats.
B - Birthday? 8/13/98

C - Cats, dogs or both? Both, but I'm so allergic to cats that it's hard to be in the same room with one and still be able to see straight. So I guess that dogs have to be my real favorite.

D - Do you prefer sunrise or sunset? Sunset. I'm a night owl.

E - Early bird or night owl? Haha, night owl!

F - Favorite food? Beef Stroganoff- but only the way that my mom makes it

G - Good at? I'd like to think writing. I also read inhumanly fast.

H - Hair color? I'm working on getting to blonde, but right now it's brown with blonde highlights.

I - Is there something you wish you could change about yourself? Sometimes I wish that I wasn't so friendly and nice to everyone. I'm really too nice to people sometimes.

J - Jealous or laid back? Depends on the situation, to be honest.

K - Kiss or hug? I'm a hugger. (Is that a word...?)

L - Look for in a partner? Kindness. Funniness. Patrick-ness.

M - Middle name? Ann

N - Name something you love? My mom.

O - One wish? To always have groceries in my house.

P - Perfect day out? I like parks, swimming, driving around, listening to music. So really anything that combines all of these awesome things together.

Q - Quote that you live by?
"If there ever comes a day when we can't be together, keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever." -A.A. Milne (Winnie the Pooh) 


S - Something that makes you happy? The moment when I complete a really good book, turn the page, close the book, and just sit there remembering the story.

T - Tell me something random about yourself? I talk too much, and that's okay.

U - Under the influence of alcohol you are likely to? I don't know.

V - Vampire, zombie, mermaid or ghost? Ghost.

W - What’s your favorite color? It's been lime green and blue for almost 10 years.

X - X-rays - had any? Why? So many alleged broken bones. And a couple of actual broken bones. And for concussions.

Y - Your biggest fear? Losing people that I love.

Z - Zodiac sign? Leo 


Thank you guys a bunch for reading! I'll be back with something more heartfelt in a couple weeks.

Something Else to Read:

The Struggle to Write