Wednesday, September 7, 2016

College Update! 9.7.16

College freaking rocks, guys. It's the best thing I've ever encountered in my eighteen years of life thus far. I have to tell you guys about it, since I'm a little over halfway to midterm. Semesters in college go by so much faster than they did in public school. Like, I'm shocked at how fast things are flying. 

    For those of you new here, or here for the first time in a
  while, I go to Concord University. I'm presently at the Beckley campus. I might go to Athens next year- ask me
   then. Quite shockingly, I'm focused on the right now of things instead of the future. 

My weekly class schedule is as follows:

Communication 101 - Monday
English 101 - Wednesday and Friday 
Art 101 - Tuesday 
Political Science - Tuesday 
Uni 101 - Thursday
Personal Wellness - Online 

..And my favorite class thus far cannot be chosen. I am in love with my politics class, mostly because it's a room that's full of adults that can debate without screaming and getting their underpants in a wad. It's kinda nice. Some people are liberal, some are conservative, some don't care, and some sleep or don't show up. 

My art class is so awesome. My art professor is Catholic, and thanks to a teacher I had in middle school (who is a close friend now), I understand the humor and references that he makes on a class-to-class basis. We talk a lot about how art makes us feel, and not so much technical terminology. My prof doesn't believe that art has a clear definition, which makes the class really interesting. 

With as awkward as I can be in front of people, most would probably assume that my Comm101 class is difficult. Haha, it's so much fun. I had to give a speech about myself a couple of weeks ago; that was a lot of fun.
Basically- I just summed up what it's like to be a writer. A lot of long hours writing, not getting published more than you get published, and having to work at jobs that completely don't suit you while you're working on your degree.
...Also, I used it as shameless self-promotion for this blog. 
Anyways, it's fun. Except that sometimes the people speaking have personalities that make you wanna fall asleep while they're talking. My mother refers to these people as having "the personality of a doorknob." 

My university class is boring. I wish that I could speak better of it, but it's utterly sleep-inducing. My professor is cool, though. He tries to keep humor in it. He knows that we're all suffering through it, and bless him, because he has to suffer through it every single semester. I just.. I couldn't do that. My PE/Personal Wellness class is the same. I do my modules, take my quizzes, fill out my labs, and move on with my life. 

Now. Obviously I was worried about college english courses. Like- how on earth were they going to be after all of the sheltered crap I experienced all throughout high school. Well ladies and gentlemen, I have finally entered a world where my creative energy can be focused into everything with no boundaries. My professor is intriguing, and big on things like human rights as far as I can tell. 
We are currently working on narrative essays that tell some kind of drastic event that we've experienced in life. I'm tempted to change names and locations and upload mine onto here- but we shall see. It would definitely offend the masses (says the future journalist.) 
Anyways, I'm learning how to condense large ideas into readable essays. This skill should help me in my future professions, I'm sure. 
I also use commas a lot. Sometimes more than I should. I just love commas! Sorry! 

College is just so good. Having class once or twice a week instead of every single day holds my interest and helps me stay motivated to get things done. I feel like a better student in college. Class isn't boring anymore. 

So a message to all of my high school/middle school readers- 
just keep holding on. It'll be over soon. 
Then you'll get to do fun adult things. Like working, homework, writing papers, and getting a Pepsi between classes. 


On another couple of notes: 

This weekend I got to go roller-skating, to the movies, to my friend Hayley's, a cookout, and hung out with my best friend Bethany that now resides in Huntington. 

I've gotten to spend a lot of time around a particularly cute baby named Wesley. Hayley made a beautiful baby, and has become a pretty dang incredible mom. Wes is adorable. He's the one that Bethany and I made the cake for back a few months ago. He's cuter than the cake, though. *insert heart emoji here, because he's so precious* 

Here's a picture of him that I took recently. All of the credit in the world goes to Hayley for making this cute little fella. 

Adult life consists of doing homework, watching YouTube, watching Netflix (I finished Grey's Anatomy- hurry up September 22nd!), and munching on food. Hopefully I'll find a job soon to add to the mix, but for now... yeah. Exhilarating! 

I got Hamilton stuff for myself- a coffee mug and some laptop stickers. I'm A. Ham trash number one. Nobody else really knows who he is or what the musical is- but that's okay. My friends and I that do know enjoy every moment of it. 



Hair grows back- and I needed something new. I'm aware that the color of it looks black, but I promise that it's dark brown. It just took to my hair darker. 

Either way, I love it. It's so pretty. I'm so glad I did it.

I'm mostly telling people that I've done it as a sign of rebellion against the establishment. It's not a lie- that has a lot to do with it. But I also just wanted to do something for me, and I love it. I highly recommend ACT in Beckley; their cosmetology students definitely know what they're doing. 


Well guys, that's all I have for this week. 

I hope you've enjoyed my ranting about college. It's just so much fun. I'm finally learning about things that I'm interested in, and I'm overjoyed about it. 

I'll talk to you all again here soon! 

-Tori <3

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Something Else to Read:

The Struggle to Write